We will always supply you with the right candidates for the role, but we will never tokenize our
talent pool for you. Tokenization happens when you seek to hire candidates based on their race,
gender, or thought.
You can easily diversify your company without adding tokens to
your workplace or making minorities feel labeled and singled out rather than valued and appreciated for
their talent. It's called inclusion. When you offer a safe space where everyone is treated equally and
the same opportunities are accessible to all, that is being truly inclusive.
People make things happen. That's why we love what we do. Our goal is to be a walking, talking billboard for your brand and bring you fully vetted candidates who can perform and drive revenue at a high level. And don't worry, we are NOT a resume factory.
We begin by thinking the way do in terms of talent. We represent those that are motivated, curious, and diverse in background.
We do deep dive into your tech stacks, buyer personas and deal size/length Our in-depth write ups we show hard skills, and we bring to light the technical traits that do not always show up on a resume.
What has worked, and has not worked with your internal process so we can best prepare and curate the talent Creating clear benchmarks and expectations helps eliminate Bias
What is expected in every interview wasting less of your time on those not prepared We do an in depth debrief process and want to move candidates along the process quickly
Diversity and Inclusion Recruiting is about representing those that do not have a seat at the table Using terms like “we want every shade of the rainbow” will not result in a partnership. Period.
It is free to review resumes and interview referrals for contingent clients Once you have fallen in love with a candidate it is 25% of their starting salary.
Interested in bringing Diversity and Inclusion agency recruiting to your SaaS company? We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the questionaire below so we can learn a little bit about you and what you're looking for and we'll be in touch ASAP.